How to create a mobile app for your event

You can create a mobile app for your event in 10 minutes with Myia.Events. It is easy:

  1. Create an event in the Myia.Events web app and configure how it should look like on mobile phones. Setup which features you want to provide to the attendees.
  2. Your event (and any changes that you make) is automatically published to the cloud to make it accessible from the mobile app.
  3. Send the event password or QR access code to the event attendees.
  4. The attendees connect their mobile app to the event with the password or with the QR code.

Here is how to do it step by step:

  1. Sign up and sign in to Myia.Events.
  2. Create a new event in the application.
  3. Select the type of messages that you allow the participants to post on the shared message board.
  4. Create the initial screen of the app with your own design
  5. Select fields of the participant profile – this is information the attendees must fill to access the event.
  6. Setup name and profile picture of the account that you will use to publish messages from the Myia.Events web application.
  7. Prepare messages, ratings and votes that you will post to the app during the event.
  8. Test and check everything in advance.
  9. Download the QR code that the participants can scan with the app to connect to your event. Send the QR code or a password to the attendees.

Next: How to prepare for the event